Mission Guided.
People Driven.
ClinCloud: Central Florida's Patient-Centered
Clinical Research

Welcome to ClinCloud, where patients and providers alike come to discover the world of clinical research and our services. At the heart of our transformative journey lies a steadfast mission. It leads us to foster crucial connections within our community, harness cutting-edge developments in medicine and biotechnology, refine existing practices for ongoing enhancement, and enlighten both participants and providers about the abundant resources within clinical research.
As we navigate our mission's path, it becomes a beacon guiding individuals to become the catalysts for the change we envision in human health.
Empower your well-being and that of others. Join us in this impactful movement!
Why Choose ClinCloud?

ClinCloud, a Prolerity Clinical Research Company, is a private clinical research site established in 2017. ClinCloud was founded with the mission bring communities together to inspire medical discoveries for tomorrow's future through education and technological advances.
- 50,000+
Patients In Database
- 100+
Research Studies
- 3,000
Enrolled in Studies
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